Floor -1
The expositive course continues, through Floor -1, marked by the powerful presence of a steam boiler, related to the themes of energies and fuels, transportation and the flowing of the production – the railway, the manufacturing world – the working class, the dyeing and the finishing (South Body), the raw-material – the wool and the carding and the combing (North Body).
In the involving outer space, the activities related to environmental education are emphasised.
In the North Body an Archaeological Area characterised by the existence of significant field evidences is integrated. We can point out the laying structures of the steam boilers of the Royal Veiga’s Factory, dated from the last quarter of the 19th century.
The expositive course develops around the following guiding lines:
Environmental Education (Outer area)
- To value the natural resources: the water and the wool
- Lodging, in a natural environment, of a sheep pen with sheep (outer space)
- Shelter – space with several usages for educational activities and to shelter animals
- Settling of a water wheel real model
Energy and fuel
- Energy sources: water, wood, coal, lean gas and electricity
- The hydraulic system of Covilhã – the water wheel
- The steam power
- The electricity
The transportation and the flowing of the production
- Regional markets
- Roads
- The railway significance
Dyeing and Finishing
- The steam boiler and the way it works
- The dry and wet finishing
- Advances of the related technologies
The manufacturing world – the workers
- Evolution and social mobility
- Working class culture
- The manufacturing daily life (working conditions, norms, schedules…)
- Class associations. Consensus and conflicts
Archaeological area
- Contextualisation of the area
- History of the space occupation
- Musealisation in situ of the remains and preservation of the archaeological structures
Raw-material: the wool – “Intelligent fibre” and living patrimony
- Fibres diversity
- Productive races and it geographical distribution
- Wool separation and classification
Carding and combing
- Introduction to the process of preparing and to the carding
- Carding and combing
- Evolution of the technology
- Machines and instruments related to the carding
- Products and sub-products