Access Conditions

To have access and surf in the Textile Catalogue Arqueotex, you need to make a previous registration.
You can surf in the  by making a multi-criteria research and have access to the textile pictures collection, with the help of thesaurus, divided into categories (collection, colour, decoration, style, matter, technique and utilization), which integrates more than 500 describers, and it allows a suitable and an objective  selection of the results.

We make available the consultation of information and technique data and the acquisition of pictures with a higher resolution and quality, with high definition of structure, colour, decorations and the exact display of the product, by making an on-line order  of our services.

Rendered Services

Navigation and access to the data and pictures for periods of time (7 or 30 days)  PASSTEX 7 7 days € 50,00
PASSTEX 30 30 days € 150,00
Navigation and order of a CD-R of pictures with a high resolution (300 dpi, size A4) 1 - 5 PICTURES It includes 1 CD-R, each picture (automatic manner) and a tax for the picture  treatment. € 10,00/ per picture
6 - 10 PICTURES € 8,00 / per picture
11 - 50 PICTURES € 6,00 / per picture
+ de 50 PICTURES  € 5,00 / per picture

If you do not have made your registration, register here »

If you already made your registration, access here »
